French President Emmanuel Macron clarified that the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was not a political decision but part of a legal investigation. Macron posted online, saying that France values freedom of speech, communication, and business. He stressed that in a country where laws are respected, freedoms are protected to ensure the safety of people and respect their rights, both online and in everyday life.
Macron’s comments followed the arrest of the Telegram CEO at Paris’ Le Bourget airport on Saturday. The arrest attracted attention, with the Russian Embassy in France accusing French authorities of not cooperating with their attempts to contact the Telegram CEO. The United Arab Emirates also voiced concern, saying they were closely watching the situation and asked the French government to provide Durov with necessary consular assistance quickly.
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The Arrest of the Telegram CEO
On Monday, French authorities explained that the Telegram CEO,was arrested as part of a cybercrime investigation involving allegations of offering encryption services. French prosecutors said Durov could be held in custody until August 28 while the investigation continues.
The arrest has caused a reaction in the crypto community, with many people asking for more details or showing support for Durov. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, X, and SpaceX, replied to Macron, suggesting it would help people around the globe to understand why Durov was arrested.
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